Slightly curved blade, large teeth.. blade 360 mm long, total length 400 mm.. with a ‘radius’ of 200 degrees, this slightly curved blade can tend to cut quicker.. large teeth, same as red handle bigboy.
Ok, so our prices are best we can do, we can’t discount.. they are pretty much as far as I know, around the cheapest on AU websites.. there are some dealers on ebay, selling from Japan, offering for example a katana boy for much less than we can buy them for.. I’ve talked to Silky Japan, and these ebay sellers are not authorised, so there is no warranty on the saws.. also, the blades are thinner, and not the same high tensile steel as the ones we sell in Australia.. they are a lighter version, not suitable for hardwood. Also, Silky themselves are concerned that the saws offered on ebay may be fakes… so , yeah if you price check and see something cheaper overseas, then now you know why this is the case.. buyer beware I suppose.. Drifta is an authorised distributor of Silky, we uphold all warranty issues, not that we’ve had any, and all items are of course genuine Silky saw.. : ) L
UPDATE.. I was just at silky’s HQ in October, near Kyoto in Japan.. spent the day with the GM Mr Miyawaki, who’s grandfather created the silky company 100 years ago.. so he explained more on the cheaper saws on ebay.. basically, silky have a range of saws for the local market, and also a separate range for export market, also called the ‘professional series’ .. silky has a much bigger range of saws for the local market, and has many more ‘entry level’ saws, which aren’t as strong as the ‘professional series’ .. so the fittings are stronger, and also the blades are much thicker.. this is one of the main differences.. so the imported saws from ebay, have much thinner blades, than the ones we sell.. we only stock the export quality ‘professional series’ silky saws.. so that’s why they are more expensive.. : ) L

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